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Writer's pictureDavid Papa

One Powerful Tool For Mastering Your Emotions For More Powerful Action

We will dive into this topic much deeper in our upcoming event all about emotional states.


You are an amazingly, powerful, infinite being with untold potential and wisdom, that's available to you at any moment, for you to take the exact actions that will take you from where you are right now to exactly where do you want to go.

Yeah, that's you. Awesome. 

So what could possibly stop someone like you, what could possibly stop this power? 

Your own self. Your own locked emotional states that are limiting yourself. That are limiting that power. That are on top of and blocking who you really are. That are locked in a triggered trauma-ed position. 

It's like frozen energy. It's like frozen life force energy in your system. It's like frozen power that you don't have access to until you unlock it.

You know that there's some truth to this because you've had moments in your life where you're lucid focused, feeling heart open, excited energy, flowing through you. And look what happened in those situations, what you were able to create. The type of experience you're able to have to have the type of people, circumstances drawn to you to support you.

Then I'm sure you've had situations where you've been in the opposite emotional states. Where you've been feeling. Struggling frustrated, stuck, apathetic, or alone, even hopeless or powerless. And what were you able to create in those scenarios? 

Something that is essential to our work here at The Change Tribe is being able to notice when we're caught in those difficult emotional states. Learning how to work with them. 

So that we can lovingly and compassionately, without suppressing or avoiding, heal those parts of us. And then shift into the more powerful emotional states that allow our real self, our real power to come through. 

That's what our upcoming event is about. The event is called, "Why your emotional states are creating a results and how to change it". We're going to walk you through simple ideas around this topic and some simple actions that you can do for yourself to shift your emotional state. So more of your power is available to you to create the results you want.

The One Powerful Tip For Transforming Your State

I am going to give you a one tip that can help you with this - one single tip that you can take very far and go very deep with. But even if you only work on the surface with it, it'll still help you tremendously. 

That tip is: Use the body. 

Emotions happen in the body. That's because our emotions are showing you the energy being held in your subconscious. You you feel it in your body because that's where your subconscious communicates. That's how it communicates to you.

The subconscious part of your brain is not the language part of your brain. All the information we have in our subconscious that's stored, our fears and, and the ways we want to limit ourselves to stay "safe", that's stored in a level deep below language. 

We can access it though, and we can feel it by the emotions coming up.

That's your subconscious talking to you. Giving you an opportunity to work with it and do something with it to change your baseline state. 

Since this information is coming from the body. That is the absolute best place to do the work of shifting yourself is with the body. 

That's why I love tools like improvisation. Because improvisation puts you in the present moment, puts you in your body and it lets you act out the energy coming through so that it can be cleared and expressed and healed.

It also lets you act into the states that you want to be in. The more powerful versions of yourself. You can actually, play your way, using your body, your whole expression, your whole self, you can play your way into those states.

So if you're going to try this at home. And help yourself make a shift right now today where you are.

One Exercise

Step 1: Think of your goal

Let's take something you would love to create for yourself. Some big goal you have. Some dream. Some achievement. Something you are trying to create for yourself. Just think about where you are now and wanting that thing.

Step 2: Access any difficult sensations

How does that feel in the body? Notice how that feels in the body? 

Now if you're like most people, when you think about where you are right now, compared to where you want to be this gap creates some tension in the body. Something like, Why am I not there yet? Or how am I going to get there? Or there's some uncomfortableness in the body, perhaps, I'll never get there, kind of feeling.

See, these thoughts will come because your brain is also translating the energy of a subconscious.

It's not your subconscious kind of choosing those words. It's the brain translating energy stored in your subconscious, based on the limits you impose on yourself based on what you experienced in your life. And your genes, in some cases, because trauma is passed down genetically. But that's a story for another day. 

So let those thoughts be there. We want to just let those thoughts be there without doing much with them. We want to stay in the body for now. So when we get into the body and we stay in the body. What does it feel like in your body right now, when you think about that goal, you're trying to achieve? And if any tension comes up, any difficulty comes up, any discomfort comes up notice that in the body. Be in the body with that.

Step 3: Act it out 

And then act it out. Acted it out a little bit. Where you are. In your office at your, at your house. Go in a closet so you are alone. Go in the bathroom so nobody sees you. Act it out. Really live into that energy. See what that energy is really like inside you. 

Because this is going to bring awareness of what's really going on behind the scenes, why you're able to take certain action at not. After you've done that for a little while and you've honored that. You know, thank that part of you for showing itself. Maybe you're already starting to feel different when you play with it this way, and then...

Step 4: Access the sensations of your goal completed and act those out

The next step is to envision that goal or achievement you want as if you've already created it. You've already created it. You already have it.

Now feel that, feel that in your body. Be that character. Be that character who's standing there, already created a thing. What's that like in the body? How does that version of you stand, or walk? What does that version of you doing? How does that version of you feel, what's the body position of that? And play with that. Play into that with your body. 

That's going to recruit your subconscious, that's going to recruit your energy in service of your dreams.

We're going to talk a lot more about this and do a lot more with this, and you're going to get direct guidance on this in our event that's coming up. Thanks so much for reading. I can't wait to dive into this more deeply with you.


PS - If you are ready to shift yourself or your organization, you don't have to wait.

  1. Personal change? - Book a call with me to get clear on the change you would love to make and your best next step. 

  2. Organizational change? - It starts with leadership. Book a call to learn how we will find the current strengths and weaknesses of your leadership team, and what people really feel about working with you. 

  3. Get inspired by joining our next live conversation - "Resource Strategy vs Market Strategy: Which Accelerates Your Performance?" - with Nikki Finucan and Marco H. Schlimpert


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