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EmpowHer Journey: Rediscover You & Your Power

Journey deep into your heart's desires. Own your true value, talents, and secret powers. Reset your personal standards, your direction, and make a plan to create what you deserve.


Once you start this, the only thing that can stop you, is you. 

 Only £3333 for 3 months. £5555 for 6 months.

Nikki Finucan of The Change Tribe shares why she created this and what her heart's intentions are for you when you join.

In just a few hours, I deepened my perspective on the possibilities in front of me and unlocked so many new ideas. This provided great fuel for resurrecting old projects I have wanted to do. I would highly recommend companies and individuals engage Nikki for this kind of work. She is highly skilled, culturally sensitive, respectful of any boundaries and adept at collaborating with individuals and teams of all sizes, in all environments, to help them see the magic of their gifts and how they can use the profile insights to achieve game changing brilliance.

- Christina Fee, People & Culture, Employee Engagement Expert, UK

The World Needs More Empowered, Enlightened Female Leaders, Are You One Of Them?

You are a driven woman that has big dreams and immense potential, yet there are external pressures that keep you down, and internal barriers that hold you back.


  • You feel like you don’t know where you fit or belong

  • You’re motivated yet stuck, facing overwhelming stress and burnout

  • You’re constantly putting others' needs first, neglecting your own well-being

  • You seem to be struggling with fear, self-doubt, or some lack of clarity about your future

  • Your experiencing the high highs and low lows of emotional swings

  • You’re feeling crushing weight and limitation of the glass ceiling and established systems 


We’ve been there. This program is to end this for good.


It’s up to you.

Are you ever going to let yourself be who you really are?

Are you going to give yourself permission to express your power and experience the beautiful life you really deserve? 

The Solution:
Join The EmpowHer Journey

This is a group coaching program where you will you break free from feeling lost, unclear, and unsure. It's time to get you unstuck, de-stressed, emotionally healed, and singing in your real purpose, heart's vision, and true power. You will do magic.

We will nurture you through this. So will the other women on this journey with you.

You've Got Big Plans For You. We've Got Big Plans For You.

We'll Make Sure That You Will:

  1. Uncover Your Passion and Purpose: Imagine falling happily into your plush couch at the end of each day knowing you were as powerful as you could have been and created beautiful impact for the people around you.

  2. Know Thyself: Imagine being able to share with anyone your real desires, strengths, passions, and super powers.

  3. Overcome Overwhelm and Regain Control: Imagine waking up calm with a smile on your face because you know how to set your day up to match with your needs, and do your best work, in the least amount of time.

  4. Experience Emotional Healing: Address and heal emotional wounds that have been holding you back, allowing you to move forward with lightness, energy, joy, and peace.

  5. Love Yourself: Imagine looking in the mirror and feeling overwhelming love for you are, what you give, and what you receive. Imagine knowing you are perfect because the Universe made you so.

  6. Build Emotional Resilience: Imagine knowing that you can handle anything with compassion, care and kindness. Even the most challenging moments, you know how to stay in your center and get through it.

  7. Achieve Work-Life Balance: Slide into Friday with energy left over to go dancing, hang out with your loved ones, or make plenty of space just for you.

  8. Develop Profound Self-Belief and Confidence: Imagine yourself asking for what you really need and people easily giving it to you. Imagine open-heartedly shouting YES to exciting opportunities that are aligned with your heart because you intuitively know this is for you AND you are more than capable.

  9. Own Your Value: Boldly ask for what you are "worth" as you negotiate your new job or salary or business, because your heart wishes it and your work is incredible.

  10. Be Pulled By Destiny: Jump out of bed each day because you can see your dreams waiting for you to bring them to life with all your gifts, talents, and magic.

  11. Laugh At Obstacles: Know that when "problems" or fears show up to slow you down, you know exactly how to process them and lean into the uncomfortable action that takes you through.

  12. Have New Pals Forever: Cultivate deep and meaningful connections with the others in this group, enhancing your personal and professional networks with authentic interactions.

How EmpowHer Journey Happens:

EmpowHer Journey Has 4 Magical Parts:

#1: Every Women Gets Their GC Index Profile
  • The GC Index is a beautiful tool that will help you understand how your authentic energy works.

  • If you have ever wondered, what is my most powerful energy for creating an impact in business? This answers it. You'll be rock solid in your understanding for how to create maximum value where ever you work. 

  • There are 5 energy types in the profile and all of us have our own combination. Which combination is yours?

#2: Weekly Online Group Empowerment Sessions
  • The main way you will consistently expand yourself in this journey is by joining the online Empowerment Meetings with The Change Tribe coaches. 3 meetings per month, 3 weeks in a row. For unstoppable momentum. What about the 4th week? See the next item.

  • These 3 group meetings each month are interesting, unorthodox, and fun. You won't see meetings like these anywhere else. The way we meet builds the exact skills and capacities you need to know yourself and empower yourself.

  • Over the course of the Journey, every Woman will have the whole group's attention for solving problems, making decisions, and taking their highest, boldest action.

  • You will have two different meeting times you can choose from, so it will fit your schedule. Or you can go to both and extract the absolute maximum value from the time spent with your peers and our coaches. Who else gives you that?

  • You will never be alone on your journey. One of our core values is, Together Is Better. That's built in.

#3: Magical Buddy Group

  • The 4th week of each month you will meet with a small group of other women creating their new reality in the same way you want to create for yourself.

  • You will learn from each other's experiments and support each other directly to make bold, powerful decisions and actions. 

  • You will see each other's work and and life start to change and cheer each other on.

#4: 7 Online Self-Empowerment Topics

  • Each week you will have online resources to go through that help guide your journey. 

  • This Journey has 7 unique topics that we love. Each topic has online videos/audios that invite you to explore that topic.

  • Each topic has worksheets for you to journal your own answers and create your next actions.

  • Bring your discussion, questions, and actions on these topics to the group meetings for deeper integration and supportive accountability.

The EmpowHer Journey Curriculum:

Topic 1: Self-Discovery & Honest Assessment

  • Honest Assessment: Reflect and evaluate your current life situation.

  • Life Wheel/Pie Exercise: Visualize and balance different areas of your life.

  • Energy Audit: Assess and optimize your energy levels, especially concerning work.

  • Assessing your current Standards

Topic 2: Understanding Your Uniqueness And Value

  • Get Your GC Index: What is your best way for creating impact in a business? Get your personal GC Profile to find out.

  • Your Core Values: Identify the guiding principles that will give you energy and confidence.

  • Skills, Gifts, Talents, and Superpowers: Examine your life in new ways to identify and harness your unique abilities.

Topic 3: Your Emotions Are Your Internal GPS

  • How to use any emotion for your benefit, to give you even more momentum.

  • How to get the messages your emotions need you to hear.

  • How to heal old wounds and let go.

  • How to calm your nervous system and get back to your center, no matter what is happening.

  • Embrace your inner heart's wisdom and allow that to guide your words, actions, and results.

Topic 4: Intuitive Decisions and Faster Problem Solving

  • Get the messages from your Intuition and guidance.

  • Learn The Paper Exercise for finding out what you really want in any decision.

  • Body-centered techniques for solving problems faster.

  • Dealing with Problems & Resistance: Understand that life is a mirror and how to handle it with flow and grace.

Topic 5: Laughing Through Life

  • Who You Really Are

  • Where You Really Come From

  • Life is Improv, how to love the moment and play

  • Getting The Cosmic Joke: Using humor and play to make life easier, lighter, and more fun

Topic 6: Creating Your Success Rituals

  • Daily Rituals: Building and maintaining heart-nurturing rituals that support your real goals.

  • Creating Your Magical Standards

  • Creating the environment that enhances and empowers you.

  • The Self-Care Priority: How to put you first for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • The Intention Process

Topic 7: Building A Vision for the Future

  • Visioning: Creating a visual representation of your dreams and aspirations.

  • Heart-centered Dreams: Clear, actionable steps to set and achieve your real desires.

  • Meet Your Future Self and live that now.

"David not only inspired us with lots of new business ideas and approaches on how to find customers, he most importantly helped us to realize the individual purpose that the members of our management team want to achieve. We got clarity on who we are and where we want to go."

- Regula S., CEO, Switzerland

4 Extra Special Gifts Because We Want To Spread The Love

Gift #1: Channeling Your Guides Session with Nikki

  • 1:1 Session with Nikki who will use oracle cards to help you get the messages you need right now for your highest journey

  • Only available to women in EmpowHer Journey

Gift #2: Deeper Dive GC Profile Integration Session

  • The GC Index is such a powerful tool for understanding your peak energy for impact, that Nikki will gift you a second 1:1 session to understand it.

  • You already get one GC Index debrief session as part of this journey. This is an extra to go deeper and achieve a pro level understanding of how to use your energy.

Gift #3: Emotional Releasing Session with David

  • You will learn how to emotionally heal and let go in this journey, but if some emotion is really sticky or difficult, it's easier and faster with some 1:1 help.

  • You will get gentle guidance for releasing your particular emotion from David, our emotional healing expert.

  • You will leave this session lighter and more powerful than when you entered.

Gift #4: Intention Circle

  • You will learn a process in this Journey called the Intention Process, which helps you attract into your life what you really want.

  • This process is even more beautiful and powerful when done with others. For being in EmpowHer, you can attend our Intention Circle as a gift.

Your Investment In Yourself

Let's Recap What You Get:

#1: Your Personal GC Index Profile Review.
  • The ultimate tool for being confident about your energy and impact.

  • Taught to you 1:1 by our GC expert, Nikki.

#2: Weekly Group Empowerment Meetings

  • Deep, fun, insightful group experiences every week.

  • Two times to choose from. You can come to both if you want.

  • That's a possible 24 sessions if you join for 3 months. 48 Sessions if you join for 6 months.

  • How far could you go with that kind of support? Who could you become with that much expert help and your peers cheering you on?

#3: 7 Online Personal Empowerment Topics

  • Video/audio with unorthodox perspectives and activities to take you far beyond where you are now.

  • The 7 Topics address concepts like: assessing your life, values, skills, talents, emotions, intuition, decisions, spirituality, rituals, and visioning.

  • Self-paced for you to work on in your unique timing.

#4: Extra Special Gifts

  • 1:1 Channel The Messages From Your Guides Session

  • 1:1 GC Profile Deeper Dive Session

  • 1:1 Emotional Releasing Session

  • Invitation to join our Intention Circle

  • These gifts alone are worth the price of this journey.

#5: Unrelenting Support From The Change Tribe

  • Nikki and David are so excited to see Women blossom into who they really are, they give their hearts to see it happen.

  • If you run into any challenge or difficulty or stuck part, Nikki and David will be there to help you through.

  • When you invest in yourself by joining us, we become fully invested in you.

All That For Only:

£3333 for 3 Months EmpowHer Journey.

  • It will be intense. And exciting. And awesome.

  • That price includes VAT, so you won't get any extra charges at checkout.

  • If you live outside the UK VAT area, then the Journey is even less for you.

Apply Now

£5555 for 6 Months EmpowHer Journey

  • More time, more sessions, more transformation.

  • Save £1111 compared to buying two 3-month journeys.

  • That price includes VAT, so you won't get any extra charges at checkout.

  • If you live outside the UK VAT area, then the Journey is even less for you.

Apply Now

Our EmpowHer Journey Guarantee

We guarantee you will love this journey and it will be one of the highest value investments you have made in yourself, for yourself, in your whole life. If that is not the case for you, we will do everything we can to work with you until you are thriving like you have never thrived before.


Rest in the knowledge that we don't give refunds. If we allow the option of a refund that's like allowing you to back out of believing in and investing in yourself. With our graceful no-refund policy, once you are in, you are all in. You will find ways, and leverage all the resources in EmpowHer, to go where you didn't you could go, making this the most powerful and most valuable journey you have every taken. If, however, circumstances occur that don't allow you to participate, you have some options: 

  • You can ask to extend your EmpowHer time period for as long as you need.

  • You can apply your investment to other programs or 1:1 sessions with the The Change Tribe.

  • You can gift your ticket to someone else, knowing you made a tremendous different in someone else's life.

  • We can discuss other ideas that would truly light you up. 

It's all going to work out. It's no coincidence you are there. The easiest way to make sure this is definitely the magical, expansive, supportive, nurturing, wonderful, exclusive journey you have been looking been looking for, simply scroll down and book an application call. If it's a yes for you, trust yourself. We got your back.


Nikki and David of The Change Tribe

Become The Powerful Woman You Were Born To Be

Apply Here For EmpowHer Journey

Even the Application is fun.

  • It's just a few questions and a 30-minute conversation with us.

  • So we can make sure you are a fit, and we are a fit for you.

  • To maintain the right energy and integrity of the group, and make sure we can help you create what you really want.

  • Two options for you to apply:

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